Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Inspires You?

In a life full of routines, schedules, demands, to-do lists, and the essentials of maintaining your health and sanity, life can get boring, repetitive, and exhausting. To me, that is dreadfully sad. Living a life of planned out circumstances, events, and scheduled experiences without a glimpse of surprise, heart-racing beginnings, challenges, and endings, is a life I don't want to live. Yes, I am a bit of a crazy-nut and am not afraid of making a fool of myself, looking odd, or saying the wrong thing and the wrong time, that is me. And I am not a "live by the book" type of girl.

From Here

A side note: Yes, I still consider myself a girl. I still do long to live in the days when I could live in my fantasies, pretend like I didn't have to grow up, and enjoy my safe and cozy life. Today, I am still a girl...just in a bigger body, more experienced with the world around me, but I still do believe in the innocence and purity of life.

Life really isn't as boring as I make it out to be, it's actually quite beautiful. I am incredibly happy with the blessings I have in my everyday life: I have a forgiving, loving, and unconditional God who I live for, an amazing, musician-husband, whom I am crazy over, two fluffy one-of-a-kind pup-a-dups, two fabulous families in which are my biggest inspirations, supporters, and friends for life, and I can't forget about the life-long friends that I think of and love everyday that are spread throughout the country and world.

I have a splendid work life in which I get to learn with and from unique and remarkable adults at a nonprofit organization. I also have the opportunity to do what I love, teach high schoolers theatre, music, and dance, as well as coach high school pole vault. Aside from the important things in my life which make me whole, I seek inspiration from the world around me to keep me awake, and continually growing and achieving. I do this by staying inspired.

From Here

My inspirations are people. Young and small to big and tall. I love watching people. Watching how they drink their tea, talk on the phone, write, and browse a magazine. I am inspired by fashion, how people dress, accessorize, express themselves through what's on their bodies. I am inspired by art in all it's forms (music, dance, visual arts, poetry, theatre, and more). I am inspired by culture. I am inspired by how people live, their rituals, and habits. If I could, I would go on several excursions through out the year and explore the world and the people that roam there. I am inspired by religion and who drives people to behave, live, and believe.

But most of all, I am inspired by anything new, interesting, and captivating to me.

What Inspires You?

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