Monday, July 30, 2012

Wild horses...

I want to be like you....throwing caution to the wind, I'll run free too...Natalie Beddingfield sang this song and I fell in love with it years ago and still really enjoy it. Speaking of enjoying, here is a beautiful story of a young orphan who never stopped believing in her dreams and a better life.  She is an american ballerina who performs to the song Wild Horses.


I love horses. Their beautiful strong bodies, long, thick manes, and their sense of inhibition when they run free with the wind through their hair.  Now, realistically, not many, or any horses these days run free through the wild and roam on their own.  But that's how I would like to imagine them:).  Either way, they are beautiful animals that I adore.


This past weekend my husband took me to go horseback riding.  I was so excited!! Horseback riding was on my bucket list, so it was a treat to get to experience something so special to me and cross off a life goal. Here are the candid shots from our experience with Dolly and Libby.

Here are other beautiful pictures of horses. Enjoy!

From Equine Photography
From Kevin Wrenn Photography





All I want is the wind in my hair
To face the fear but not feel scared...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

This Just In....


Yoga on the deck.
Oh, so wonderful.

Everyday Beauties


DIMA (Doing It Myself Again)

Doing It Myself Again...

Geometric Art
My Creation

My Inspiration

Chevron Inspired Art
My Creation

My Inspiration

Acrylic Waterfall
My Creation

Mixed Media Message
My Creation

Purple Tree
My Creation
I painted a beloved tree in my home that I could not keep alive:)

Paint Chips Art
My Creation

My Inspiration

Bunches of Bows
My Creation